Blogger Layouts

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Health Camp

I have spent a lot of time in Waco, Texas for work. There aren't many good milkshake places around that I have found. There is, however, a mom-and-pop place called Health Camp (funny irony in the name) that serves good burgers, fries, and shakes. It is a legendary restaurant, has been around since the late 1940's (the condition of the building reflects that too). The shakes aren't made from real ice cream. They are the frozen-concentrate type shake, but Health Camp has many different squirt-in flavorings that make a great, unique taste. They are pretty thick too. My favorite is Cherry Chocolate Chip. The prices are reasonable, a large (32 oz) being $4.70. The burgers are really good too... similar to a Five Guys (greasy-type) burger. It's right off I-35 and Valley Mills, so if you're passing through Waco it's an easy and tasty stop.
Location: 2601 Circle Road Waco, TX 76706-3805 (254) 752-2081


  1. There used to be a place in Greeley (the Original 39-cent Hamburger Stand) that made the best shakes I have ever had. Nowadays I just go down to BJ's Velvet Freeze here in Colorado Springs. LOTS of different flavors and super tasty!

  2. Josh, put BJ's Velvet Freeze on my suggestions page if you don't mind. That way I can remember to try it when I get down to the Springs.
